Galaxea A1 Software Guide
This guide will show you on how to develop and operate Galaxea A1.
Software Dependency
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- ROS Noetic
This SDK does not require recompilation. Please refer to the Developing and Operating Tutorials for direct usage instructions.
First Move
Click here to get the Demo scripts for A1.
rostopic pub /a1_ee_target geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "{
header: {
seq: 0,
stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0},
frame_id: 'world'
pose: {
position: {x: 0.08, y: 0.0, z: 0.5},
orientation: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5, w: 0.5}
Developing and Operating Tutorials
A1 Driver Kit
For the first use, after confirming the power supply and USB connection, run the following command to modify the read and write permissions of the serial port files:
After confirming the modification, you can initialize the SDK:
The interface section describes the various control and status feedback interfaces for A1 robot arm, helping users understand how to communicate with and control the arm through the ROS package.
Driver Interface
The interface is a ROS package designed for manipulator control and status feedback. This package defines several topics for publishing and subscribing to the robot arm’s status, control commands, and associated error codes. Below are detailed descriptions of each topic and its related message types:
Topic Name | Description | Message Type |
/joint_states_host | Robot Arm Joint State Feedback | sensor_msgs/JointState |
/arm_status_host | Robot Arm Motor State Feedback | signal_arm/arm_status |
/arm_joint_command_host | Robot Arm Control Interface | signal_arm/arm_control |
/gripper_force_control_host | Gripper Force Control Interface | signal_arm/gripper_joint_command |
/gripper_position_control_host | Gripper Position Control Interface | signal_arm/gripper_position_control |
/gripper_stroke_host | Gripper Stroke Feedback Interface | sensor_msgs/JointState |
Topic Name | Field | Description | Data Type | Unit | Remarks |
/joint_states_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - |
name | Robot Arm Joint Names | string[] | - | - | |
position | Robot Arm Joint Positions | float64[] | rad | - | |
velocity | Robot Arm Joint Velocities | float64[] | rad/s | - | |
effort | Robot Arm Joint Efforts | float64[] | Nm | - | |
/arm_status_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - | | Robot Arm Joint Names | string[] | - | - | |
data.motor_errors.error_code | Robot Arm Joint Error Codes | float32[] | - | - | |
data.motor_errors.error_description | Robot Arm Joint Error Descriptions | float32[] | °C | - | |
/arm_joint_command_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - |
p_des | Desired Position | float32[] | rad | - | |
v_des | Desired Velocity | float32[] | rad/s | - | |
t_ff | Desired Torque | float32[] | Nm | - | |
kp | Position Proportional Gain | float32[] | - | - | |
kd | Position Derivative Gain | float32[] | - | - | |
mode | Control Mode | uint8 | - | Default is 0, MIT control | |
/gripper_force_control_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - |
gripper_force | Gripper Force | float32 | N | - | |
/gripper_position_control_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - |
gripper_stroke | Desired Gripper Stroke | float32 | mm | - | |
/gripper_stroke_host | header | Standard ROS Header | - | - | - |
name | Gripper Names | string[] | - | - | |
position | Gripper Stroke | float64[] | mm | - | |
velocity | Gripper Velocity | float64[] | - | - | |
effort | Gripper Effort | float64[] | - | - |
Gripper Control Examples
Gripper Force Control Interface
Gripper Position Control Interface
Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTC is used to feedback the error information of the MCU and the drive, and can be used to view the real-time status of each motor and the running status of the drive. The following is a detailed description of each fault code and its corresponding status.
DTC | Status |
0 | Disabled |
1 | Disabled |
2 | Motor Disconnected |
3 | Position Jump |
4 | Continuous High Current |
5 | Excessive Torque |
6 | ECU -> MCU Timeout |
7 | Position Limit Exceeded |
8 | Speed Limit Exceeded |
9 | Torque Limit Exceeded |
10 | Overpressure |
11 | Low pressure |
12 | Overcurrent |
13 | MOS Overtemperature |
14 | Motor Winding Overtemperature |
15 | Communication loss |
16 | Overload |
17 | Serial Connection Disconnected (No Device File) |
18 | Device File Connected, No Messages |
19 | Serial Read/Write Failure |
20 | Feedback Reception Overflow |
Joint and End-Effector Movement Control
We provide joint and end-effector movement control interfaces for Galaxea A1, enabling efficient control through the ROS (Robot Operating System) framework. Before performing end-effector or joint movement, you must first activate the signal_arm
interface; detailed operation instructions can be found in the signal_arm
documentation. This project includes several primary functions:
End-Effector Pose Movement: Allows users to control the position and orientation of the Galaxea A1's end-effector by publishing target pose messages. This function is suitable for applications requiring precise positioning.
End-Effector Trajectory Movement: Facilitates the movement of Galaxea A1's end-effector along a specified trajectory by publishing a series of pose messages. This function is ideal for complex path planning and execution.
Joint Angle Movement: Provides a joint-level control interface where users can set the target positions for each individual joint, enabling coordinated whole-arm movements.
End-Effector Pose Movement
- First, initiate the end-effector pose movement script. This will launch an RViz visualization for Galaxea A1, with the default joint positions set to zero.
- In the file eeTrackerdemo.launch:
<param name="joint_states_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the topic /joint_states represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment. <param name="arm_joint_command_topic" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> # the topic /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.
- Publish messages to the end-effector movement topic, specifically named
. This operation is non-blocking, allowing for continuous message sending and enabling seamless movement of the robot arm's end-effector. However, it's critical that the target endpoint is not too far from the current position of the end-effector to avoid overstraining the mechanics or risking a collision.rostopic pub /a1_ee_target geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "{ header: { seq: 0, stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}, frame_id: 'world' }, pose: { position: {x: 0.08, y: 0.0, z: 0.5}, orientation: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5, w: 0.5} } }"
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped def publish_pose(): rospy.init_node('pose_stamped_publisher', anonymous=True) pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/a1_ee_target', PoseStamped, queue_size=10) # Create PoseStamped message pose_msg = PoseStamped() pose_msg.header.seq = 0 pose_msg.header.stamp = pose_msg.header.frame_id = 'world' pose_msg.pose.position.x = 0. pose_msg.pose.position.y = 0. pose_msg.pose.position.z = 0. pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0. pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0. pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = 0. pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = 0. # Wait for subscribers to connect rospy.sleep(1) # Publish message pose_pub.publish(pose_msg) rospy.loginfo("Published PoseStamped message to /a1_ee_target") if __name__ == '__main__': try: publish_pose() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
- Usage Example:
End-Effector Trajectory Movement
- Firstly, initiate the end-effector trajectory movement script. This will launch an RViz visualization for Galaxea A1, with the default joint positions set to zero.
- In the file eeTrajTrackerdemo.launch :
<param name="joint_states_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the /joint_states topic represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment. <param name="joint_command" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> #the /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.
- PPublish messages to specify a trajectory for the end-effector movement on the
topic. This operation is non-blocking, allowing for continuous publishing. Ensure that the trajectory does not deviate significantly from the current end-effector position. It is recommended to wait until the current trajectory is completed before sending the next one to avoid inaccuracies in tracking the desired path.#include <ros/ros.h> #include <geometry_msgs/PoseArray.h> geometry_msgs::Pose createPose(double x, double y, double z, double w, double ox, double oy, double oz) { geometry_msgs::Pose pose; pose.position.x = x; pose.position.y = y; pose.position.z = z; pose.orientation.w = w; pose.orientation.x = ox; pose.orientation.y = oy; pose.orientation.z = oz; return pose; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "pose_array_publisher"); ros::NodeHandle nh; ros::Publisher pose_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseArray>("/arm_target_trajectory", 10); // Wait for subscribers to connect ros::Rate wait_rate(10); while (pose_pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) { wait_rate.sleep(); } geometry_msgs::PoseArray poseArrayMsg; poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.54, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); pose_pub.publish(poseArrayMsg); ROS_INFO("Published PoseArray with 3 poses"); return 0; }
- Usage Example:
End-Effector Pose Movement Interface
Topic Name | Description | Message Type |
/a1_ee_target | Target pose of end arm joint | Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped |
Topic Name | Field | Description |
/a1_ee_target | header | Standard Header |
pose.position.x | Shift in x direction | |
pose.position.y | Shift in y direction | |
pose.position.z | Shift in z direction | |
pose.orientation.x | Orientation quaternion | |
pose.orientation.y | Orientation quaternion | |
pose.orientation.z | Orientation quaternion | |
pose.orientation.w | Orientation quaternion |
Joint Angle Movement
Firstly, initiate the joint angle movement script. This will launch an RViz visualization for Galaxea A1, with the default joint positions set to zero.
In the file jointTrackerdemo.launch :
Publish messages for joint movement on the<param name="joint_states_sub_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the /joint_states topic represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment. <param name="joint_command" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> #the /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.
topic. This operation is non-blocking, allowing for continuous publishing and enabling uninterrupted movement of the robot arm's joints.import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState def publish_joint_state(): rospy.init_node('joint_state_publisher', anonymous=True) pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_joint_target_position', JointState, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz joint_state = JointState() joint_state.header.seq = 0 joint_state.header.stamp = joint_state.header.frame_id = 'world' = ['joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3', 'joint4', 'joint5', 'joint6'] joint_state.velocity = [] joint_state.effort = [] # Initialize positions to zeros joint_state.position = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] steps = 100 # Number of steps #to reach the target position target_position = [0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] step_increment = [(target - current) / steps for target, current in zip(target_position, joint_state.position)] for step in range(steps): joint_state.header.stamp = # Update the timestamp joint_state.position = [current + increment for current, increment in zip(joint_state.position, step_increment)] pub.publish(joint_state) rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo("Published JointState message to /arm_joint_target_position") if __name__ == '__main__': try: publish_joint_state() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
Joint Position Movement Interface
The /joint_move
is a ROS package for single-joint control of Galaxea A1. This package allows you to specify the movement of each joint from its current position to a target position, with configurable maximum speed and acceleration. If these parameters are not specified, default values will be used. The default maximum speed is 20 rad/s, and the default maximum acceleration is 20 rad/s². The topic names and fields of the movement interface are detailed in the following table.
Topic Name | Description | Message Type |
/arm_joint_target_position | Target position of each joint | Sensor_msgs/JointState |
Topic Name | Field | Description |
/arm_joint_target_position | header | Standard Header |
name | Name of each joint | |
position | Target position of each joint | |
velocity | Maximum velocity of each joint |