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B1 Software Guide

Galaxea B1 Software Guide

Software Dependency

  1. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  2. ROS Noetic


The SDK does not require recompilation. Please refer to the contents below.

CAN Connection Tutorial

Important: To ensure the USB-to-CAN Adapter works properly on Linux, please install the driver file that matches your system’s kernel version; otherwise, it may cause errors.

1. Launch the Driver

Use the following command to check the current kernel version:

name -r

The driver file name usually includes the version information. If you need drivers for other kernel versions, please contact us for assistance.

Driver File
5.15.0-67-generic: 5.15.0_67.ko
5.15.0-101-generic: 5.15.0_101.ko
5.15.0-102-generic: 5.15.0_102.ko

Use the following command to load the kernel module:

sudo insmod /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/can/dev/can-dev.ko
sudo insmod 5.15.0_101.ko

2. Set 1M Baud Rate

Use the following command to set the CAN interface baud rate to 1 Mbps:

sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000

3. Open the CAN Interface

Use the following command to bring up the CAN interface:

sudo ip link set up can0

If no errors occurred in the previous steps, use the following commands to check the CAN interface's configuration and status:

sudo apt-get install net-tools
ifconfig can0

4. Install Driver Dependencies

Use the following command to install the necessary dependencies for the driver:

 sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-socketcan-interface ros-noetic-can-msgs

5. Install and Use can_utils

Use the following commands to install the tool and monitor data from Galaxea B1 in real-time, provided that:

  • B1 is already running, and
  • The CAN-to-USB Adapter is properly connected.
  • Make sure to switch the joystick controller SWB to the bottom and SWC to the middle. Otherwise, candump can0 cwill be unable to access the CAN data, and the upper computer will not be able to control the chassis.
sudo apt-get install can_utils
candump can0

First Move

Launch the Chassis Node

source install/setup.bash
roslaunch signal_chassis r1.launch   

Control the Chassis

rostopic pub /control_command signal_chassis/ControlCommand "header:
  seq: 0
  stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0}
  frame_id: ''
motion_mode: 0
x: 0.5
y: 0.0
w: 0.0"

Software Interface

Driver Interface

This interface is used for the chassis status feedback ROS package. The package defines multiple topics for posting the status of multiple motors in the chassis. The following are detailed descriptions of each topic and its related message types:

Topic Name Description Message Type
/hdas/motor_state Chassis motion state feedback chassis_msg/DrivetrainStamped
Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/motor_state .steering_angle_fl Front-wheel left-wheel steering angle degrees
.steering_angle_fr Front-wheel right-wheel steering angle degrees
.steering_angle_rl Rear-wheel left-wheel steering angle degrees
.steering_angle_rr Rear-wheel right-wheel steering angle degrees
.drive_speed_fl Front-wheel left-wheel linear speed m/s
.drive_speed_fr Front-wheel right-wheel linear speed m/s
.drive_speed_rl Rear-wheel left-wheel linear speed m/s
.drive_speed_rr Rear-wheel right-wheel linear speed m/s
.drive_angular_speed_fl Front-wheel left-wheel angular speed rad/s
.drive_angular_speed_fr Front-wheel right-wheel angular speed rad/s
.drive_angular_speed_rl Rear-wheel left-wheel angular speed rad/s
.drive_angular_speed_rr Rear-wheel right-wheel angular speed rad/s
.motion_mode 0: Dual Ackerman Mode
1: Parallel Mode
: Spinning Mode

Control Interface

The chassis control interface can be used to command the chassis to move at the target speed, which includes the combination of X, Y, and Yaw Rate:

Topic Name Description Message Type
/control_command Issuing the chassis control signal signal_chassis/ControlCommand.msg
Topic Name Field Description
/control_command header Standard ROS header
.motion_mode 0: Dual Ackerman Mode
1: Transition Mode
2: Spinning Mode
3: Vector Control Mode
4: Breaking Mode
.x Not used for Mode 2 & Mode 4;
Mode 0: Linear speed of x in the range of (-1, 1) m/s
Mode 1: Linear speed of x-direction in the range of (-1, 1) m/s
Mode 3: Linear speed of x-direction in the range of (-1, 1) m/s
.y Not used for Mode 0 & Mode 2 & Mode 4
Mode 1: Linear speed of y-direction in the range of (-1, 1) m/s
Mode 3: Linear speed of y-direction in the range of (-1, 1) m/s
.w Not used for Mode 1 & Mode 4;
Motion Mode 0: (-45°, 45°)
Motion Mode 2: angular speed in the range of (-3.7, 3.7) rad/s
Motion Mode 3: angular speed in the range of (-3.7, 3.7) rad/s