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Galaxea R1 Demo

Preparation Before Use

Important: Please conduct the test strictly in the order listed in the "Script Execution". Before you start testing, please ensure that:

  1. Two arms are correctly installed. Ensue that the elbow joints (J3 & J4) are facing outward and the gripper tipping downward to the ground.
  2. Torso is in the standing posture.
  3. No personnel and obstacles within a radius of 1.5 meters. (As shown in the figure below.)


Visit our GitHub Repository to download script for R1 demo testing.

git clone is located in path ${your_work_path}/Demo/blob/main/demo_r1.
Due to the following steps need to this python file, after cloning this repository you should use path ${your_work_path}/Demo/blob/main/demo_r1/

Action Description

Important: For your safety, in case of danger during the test, be sure to enter ctrl + C , in the Python 3 terminal where "" is located, to stop the running action.

  • arm_test_1: Both arms are lifted vertically upward and then lowered, where the grippers are tipping vertically downward to the ground.

  • arm_test_2: Both arms are lifted upward and then folded on both sides of the chest. At this time, the posture of R1 shows the zero-point posture (default) in URDF.

  • arm_test_3: Both arms are lowered down to the original pose. Then, both arms are lifted vertically upward 90 degrees from both sides of the torso. Next, both arms are moved horizontally forward 90 degrees from both sides to the middle and hold for a while. Afterwards, both arms are lifted upward from both sides respectively, and are raised over the head to make pose in a heart shape. Finally, arms are lowered respectively, and the grippers point vertically downward to the ground again.

  • torso_test_1: The torso squats down, and arms are folded at the same time. (This action is used to test torso motors T1/T2/T3).

  • torso_test_2: The torso raised to stand, and arms are back to the sides. Then turn the waist 45 degrees to the left, 90 degrees to the right, and then 45 degrees to the left where backs to the front. (This action is used to test the torso motor T4.)

Script Execution

Only after the above preparation work is completed can the robot be used to start the test.

Important: If there is any error, please contact us in time for technical support. If there is no abnormality, press ctrl+c to close .

Step 1: Stop all TMUXs running and close all ROS programs.

# The following commands will terminate all TMUX. 
sudo tmux kill-server
tmux kill-server
pkill -9 ros

Step 2: FDCAN Communication

sudo ip link set dev can0 type can bitrate 1000000 dbitrate 5000000 fd on
# If "RTNETLINK answers: Device or resource busy" appears, it indicates that the CAN transceiver has been configured and is currently running.
sudo ip link set up can0

Step 3: Enter TMUX


Step 4: Start roscore


Step 5: Press Ctrl + B then C to create a new terminal, and execute launch file.

# Execute the following launch files in different terminals by sequence.
source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch HDAS hdas.launch

Step 6: Press Ctrl + B then C to create a new terminal. Then, start self-check.

Important: If there is any error, please contact us in time for technical support. If there is no abnormality, press ctrl+c to close .

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
rosrun HDAS check_node #press 1  #1 means the self-check when the arms are installed.

Step 7: Press Ctrl + B then C to create a new terminal. Then, start chassis control.

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_chassis_control.launch

Step 8: Ctrl + B then C to create a new terminal. Then, start arm and torso control.

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo.launch

Step 9: Press Ctrl + B then C to create a new terminal. Then, start the test script.

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash

Step 10: Enter the number corresponding to each test action and press Enter. Then, R1 will start to perform the test action.

Important: Before performing torso_test_1, make sure arm_test_3 is verified first. This is to avoid interference with R1 itself or ground when squatting with the arms in an uncontrollable state.


When you completed all tests, press q to quit testing. R1 will be back to the original pose.