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Galaxea R1 Software Guide

Environment Dependency

  1. Hardware Dependency: R1 Computing Unit
  2. OS Dependency: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  3. Middleware Dependency: ROS Noetic

Software Version Changelog

Visit the R1 Software Version Changelog and find the latest update.

First Move

Visit the page R1_Demo and get started to operate R1 following the instructions.

Software Interface

The current Galaxea R1 control diagram is shown below, consisting of five main parts: R1 Pose Feedback, R1 Joint Control, R1 Chassis Control, R1 Arm Pose Control, and R1 Torso Pose Control. Details will be provided in the following chapters. The entire package is called 'mobiman,' short for mobile manipulation.


Driver Interface

The current Galaxea R1 driver consists of several components, including actuator interface, sensor interface and external function interface. All the components can be launched by using the following command template.

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch <Package Name> <Launch File>
# Example
roslaunch HDAS r1.launch
Topic Name Description Message Type
Arms Driver Interface
Torso Driver Interface
Chassis Driver Interface
IMU Interface
BMS Interface
Remote Controller Interface
HDAS r1.launch
Camera Interface signal_camera signal_camera.launch
LiDAR Interface livox_ros_driver2 msg_MID360.launch

Arms Driver Interface

This interface is used for the robot arm control and status feedback ROS package, which defines multiple topics for publishing and subscribing to the arm's status, control commands, and associated error codes. Below are detailed descriptions of each topic and its corresponding message types:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/feedback_arm_left Output Joint feedback of left arm sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_arm_right Output Joint feedback of right arm sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_gripper_left Output Gripper stroke of left gripper sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_gripper_right Output Gripper stroke of right gripper sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_status_arm_left Output Status of left arm hdas_msg::feedback_status
/hdas/feedback_status_arm_right Output Status of right arm hdas_msg::feedback_status
/hdas/feedback_status_gripper_left Output Status of left gripper hdas_msg::feedback_status
/hdas/feedback_status_gripper_right Output Status of right gripper hdas_msg::feedback_status
/motion_control/control_arm_left Input Motor control of left arm hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_arm_right Input Motor control of right arm hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_gripper_left Input Motor control of left gripper hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_gripper_right Input Motor control of right gripper hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/position_control_gripper_left Input Position control of left gripper std_msgs::Float32
/motion_control/position_control_gripper_right Input Position control of right gripper std_msgs::Float32

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/feedback_arm_left header Standard header
position [Joint1_position, Joint2_position, Joint3_position, Joint4_position, Joint5_position, Joint6_position, gripper_position]
velocity [Joint1_velocity, Joint2_velocity, Joint3_velocity, Joint4_velocity, Joint5_velocity, Joint6_velocity, gripper_velocity]
effort [Joint1_effort, Joint2_effort, Joint3_effort, Joint4_effort, Joint5_effort, Joint6_effort, gripper_effort]
/hdas/feedback_arm_right header Standard header
position [Joint1_position, Joint2_position, Joint3_position, Joint4_position, Joint5_position, Joint6_position, gripper_position]
velocity [Joint1_velocity, Joint2_velocity, Joint3_velocity, Joint4_velocity, Joint5_velocity, Joint6_velocity, gripper_velocity]
effort [Joint1_effort, Joint2_effort, Joint3_effort, Joint4_effort, Joint5_effort, Joint6_effort, gripper_effort]
/hdas/feedback_gripper_left header Standard header
position [gripper_stroke]
velocity Not used
effort Not used
/hdas/feedback_gripper_right header Standard header
position [gripper_stroke]
velocity Not used
effort Not used
/hdas/feedback_status_arm_left header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/hdas/feedback_status_arm_right header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/hdas/feedback_status_gripper_left header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/hdas/feedback_status_gripper_right header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/motion_control/control_arm_left header Standard header
name -
p_des [Joint1_position, Joint2_position, Joint3_position, Joint4_position, Joint5_position, Joint6_position]
v_des [Joint1_velocity, Joint2_velocity, Joint3_velocity, Joint4_velocity, Joint5_velocity, Joint6_velocity]
kp [Joint1_kp, Joint2_kp, Joint3_kp, Joint4_kp, Joint5_kp, Joint6_kp]
kd [Joint1_kd, Joint2_kd, Joint3_kd, Joint4_kd, Joint5_kd, Joint6_kd]
t_ff [Joint1_effort, Joint2_effort, Joint3_effort, Joint4_effort, Joint5_effort, Joint6_effort]
mode -
/motion_control/control_arm_right header Standard header
name -
p_des [Joint1_position, Joint2_position, Joint3_position, Joint4_position, Joint5_position, Joint6_position]
v_des [Joint1_velocity, Joint2_velocity, Joint3_velocity, Joint4_velocity, Joint5_velocity, Joint6_velocity]
kp [Joint1_kp, Joint2_kp, Joint3_kp, Joint4_kp, Joint5_kp, Joint6_kp]
kd [Joint1_kd, Joint2_kd, Joint3_kd, Joint4_kd, Joint5_kd, Joint6_kd]
t_ff [Joint1_effort, Joint2_effort, Joint3_effort, Joint4_effort, Joint5_effort, Joint6_effort]
mode -
/motion_control/control_gripper_left header Standard header
name -
p_des [gripper_position]
v_des [gripper_velocity]
kp [gripper_kp]
kd [gripper_kd]
t_ff [gripper_effort]
mode -
/motion_control/control_gripper_right header Standard header
name -
p_des [gripper_position]
v_des [gripper_velocity]
kp [gripper_kp]
kd [gripper_kd]
t_ff [gripper_effort]
mode -
/motion_control/position_control_gripper_left header Standard header
data desired_gripper_stroke, range (0 to 100) mm
/motion_control/position_control_gripper_right header Standard header
data desired_gripper_stroke, range (0 to 100) mm

Torso Driver Interface

This interface is used for the torso control and status feedback ROS package, which defines multiple topics for publishing and subscribing to the status of the torso motors and control commands. Below are detailed descriptions of each topic and its corresponding message types:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/feedback_torso Output Joint feedback of torso sensor_msgs/JointState
/hdas/feedback_status_torso Output Torso motor status feedback hdas_msg::feedback_status
/motion_control/control_torso Output Motor control of torso hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/feedback_torso header Standard header
position [joint1_position, joint2_position, joint3_position, joint4_position]
velocity [joint1_velocity, joint2_velocity, joint3_velocity, joint4_velocity]
effort Not used
/hdas/feedback_status_torso header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/motion_control/control_torso header Standard header
name -
p_des [Joint1_position, Joint2_position, Joint3_position, Joint4_position]
v_des [Joint1_velocity, Joint2_velocity, Joint3_velocity, Joint4_velocity]
kp [Joint1_kp, Joint2_kp, Joint3_kp, Joint4_kp]
kd [Joint1_kd, Joint2_kd, Joint3_kd, Joint4_kd]
t_ff [Joint1_effort, Joint2_effort, Joint3_effort, Joint4_effort]
mode -

Chassis Driver Interface

This interface is used for the chassis status feedback ROS package, which defines multiple topics to report the status of the chassis' motors. Below are detailed descriptions of each topic and its associated message types:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/feedback_chassis Output Feedback of chassis sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_status_chassis Output Status of chassis hdas_msg::feedback_status
/motion_control/control_chassis Input Motor control of chassis hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/feedback_chassis header Standard header
position [angle_front_left, angle_front_right, angle_rear]
velocity [linear_velocity_front_left, linear_velocity_front_right, linear_velocity_rear 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
effort [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
/hdas/feedback_status_chassis header Standard header
name_id Joint name
errors Contains error code and error description
/motion_control/control_chassis header Standard header
name -
p_des [angle_front_left, angle_front_right, angle_rear]
v_des [linear_velocity_front_left, linear_velocity_front_right, linear_velocity_rear]
kp -
kd -
t_ff -
mode -

Camera Interface

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/camera_chassis_front_left/rgb/compressed Output Compressed Image from front_left chassis camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_chassis_front_right/rgb/compressed Output Compressed Image from front_right chassis camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_chassis_left/rgb/compressed Output Compressed Image from left chassis camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_chassis_right/rgb/compressed Output Compressed Image from right chassis camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_chassis_rear/rgb/compressed Output Compressed Image from rear chassis camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_wrist_left/color/image_raw/compressed Output Compressed Image from left wrist camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_wrist_right/color/image_raw/compressed Output Compressed Image from right wrist camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_head/left_raw/image_raw_color/compressed Output Compressed Image from head camera sensor_msgs::CompressedImage
/hdas/camera_wrist_left/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw Output Depth Image from left wrist camera sensor_msgs::Image
/hdas/camera_wrist_right/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw Output Depth Image from right wrist camera sensor_msgs::Image
/hdas/camera_head/depth/depth_registered Output Depth Image from head camera sensor_msgs::Image

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/camera_chassis_front_left/rgb/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_chassis_front_right/rgb/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_chassis_left/rgb/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_chassis_right/rgb/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_chassis_rear/rgb/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_wrist_left/color/image_raw/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_wrist_right/color/image_raw/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_head/left_raw/image_raw_color/compressed header Standard header
format JPEG
data Image data
/hdas/camera_wrist_left/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw header Standard header
height Depend on settings
width Depend on settings
encoding 16UC1
is_bigendian 0
step Depend on settings
data Image data
/hdas/camera_wrist_right/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw header Standard header
height Depend on settings
width Depend on settings
encoding 16UC1
is_bigendian 0
step Depend on settings
data Image data
/hdas/camera_head/depth/depth_registered header Standard header
height Depend on settings
width Depend on settings
encoding 32FC1
is_bigendian 0
step Depend on settings
data Image data

LiDAR Interface

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/lidar_chassis_left Output Lidar pointcloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/lidar_chassis_left header Standard header
fields LiDAR data

IMU Interface

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/imu_chassis Output Imu information sensor_msgs::Imu
/hdas/imu_torso Output Imu information sensor_msgs::Imu

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/imu_chassis header Standard header
orientation.x quaternion x
orientation.y quaternion y
orientation.z quaternion z
orientation.w quaternion w
angular_velocity.x Groyscope angular velocity x
angular_velocity.y Groyscope angular velocity y
angular_velocity.z Groyscope angular velocity z
linear_acceleration.x Linear acceleration x
linear_acceleration.y Linear acceleration y
linear_acceleration.z Linear acceleration z
/hdas/imu_torso header Standard header
orientation.x quaternion x
orientation.y quaternion y
orientation.z quaternion z
orientation.w quaternion w
angular_velocity.x Groyscope angular velocity x
angular_velocity.y Groyscope angular velocity y
angular_velocity.z Groyscope angular velocity z
linear_acceleration.x Linear acceleration x
linear_acceleration.y Linear acceleration y
linear_acceleration.z Linear acceleration z

BMS Interface

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/bms Output Battery BMS information hdas_msg::bms

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/bms header Standard header
voltage Voltage in V
current Current in A
capital Capital in %

Remote Controller Interface

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/hdas/controller Output Signal from remote controller hdas_msg::controller_signal_stamped

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/hdas/controller header Standard header
data.left_x_axis X axis of left joystick
data.left_y_axis Y axis of left joystick
data.right_x_axis X axis of right joystick
data.right_y_axis Y axis of right joystick
mode 2: Chassis control via controller
5: ECU takes over

Motion Control Interface

  • Joint Control: The node controls each joint of the R1 torso and arms.
  • Arm Pose Control: The node controls arm movement to the target end-effector (ee) frame.
  • Torso Speed Control: The node controls torso movement to the target floating base frame.
  • Chassis Control: The node controls the R1 chassis using vector control, allowing you to send speed commands in three directions simultaneously: x, y, and w.
  • Pose Estimation: The node receives joint angle feedback from HDAS and calculates the feedback corresponding to three coordinate systems.

Joint Control

R1 Joint Control is a ROS package for controlling each joint of the R1 torso and arms, with a total of 16 joints. It can be launched using a command.

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo.launch
## For R1 Lite 
##roslaunch mobiman pi_jointTrackerdemo.launch

This launch file will start with the r1_jointTracker_demo_node, which is the main node responsible for controlling each joint.

The interface is shown below:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/motion_target/target_joint_state_arm_left Input Target position of each left arm joint sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_target/target_joint_state_arm_right Input Target position of each right arm joint sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_target/target_joint_state_torso Input Target position of each torso joint sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_arm_left Input Feedback of left arm motor sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_arm_right Input Feedback of right arm motor sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_torso Input Feedback of torso motor sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_control/control_arm_left Onput Control of left arm motor hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_arm_right Onput Control of right arm motor hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_torso Onput Control of torso motor hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
position This is a vector of six elements. 6 joint target positions for each joint.
velocity This is a vector of six elements. Standing for max velocity of each joint during movement.
The max speed is below, {3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5}.
The acc & jerk limit is set to 1.5* speed limit.
/motion_target/target_joint_state_torso position This is a vector of four elements. 4 joint target positions for each joint.
velocity This is a vector of four elements. Standing for four velocity of each joint during movement.
The max speed is below, {1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5}.
The acc & jerk limit is set to 1.5* speed limit.
/hdas/feedback_arm_left - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/hdas/feedback_arm_right - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/hdas/feedback_torso - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/motion_control/control_arm_left - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/motion_control/control_arm_right - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/motion_control/control_torso - Refer to HDAS msg Description

Extra Features

  • High tracking mode provided for R1.

    roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo_fast.launch 
    Note: In high tracking mode, joint level acceleration needs to be planed. If this interface is called to follow a big angle jump, it will trigger motors' protection. The recommended joint accleration and speed are shown below:

Joint Speed Limit Acceleration Limit
Arm Joint [3,3,3,5,5,5] rad/s [5,5,5,5,5,5] rad/s²
Torso Joint [1,1,1,1] rad/s [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5] rad/s²
  • Disable Torso Control is also provided, which are

    roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo_disable_torso.launch;
    roslaunch mobiman r1_jointTrackerdemo_fast_disable_torso.launch

Note: This should be used together with torso speed control interface. The torso speed control interface will call motor control interface directly, so torso joint control should be disabled.

Arm Pose Control

R1 Arm Pose Control is a ROS package for controlling arm movement to the target end-effector (ee) frame. It can be launched using the following command:

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman r1_left_arm_mpc.launch  # MPC control of the left arm end-effector.
roslaunch mobiman r1_right_arm_mpc.launch  # MPC control of the right arm end-effector.


  • When the dual-arm pose controller is activated, both the left and right arms will automatically adjust to the position shown in the figure below. Please ensure that the R1 is placed with both arms naturally hanging down to avoid initialization failure due to excessive movement angles.
  • The current end-effector pose control's relative pose is the transformation of the gripper_link relative to torso_link4 in the URDF. For the left arm, this refers to the relative relationship between the left_gripper_link coordinate frame and torso_link4 coordinate frame, including offsets in x, y, and z, as shown in the right figure below, transforming as well as the rotational offsets corresponding to the orientation.


The interface is shown below.

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/motion_target/pose_ee_arm_left Input Target pose of left arm end-effector frame Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
/motion_target/pose_ee_arm_right Input Target pose of right arm end-effector frame Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
/hdas/feedback_arm_left Input Feedback of arm joint Sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_arm_right Input Feedback of arm joint Sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_control/control_arm_left Output Control of left arm motor hdas_msg::motor_control
/motion_control/control_arm_right Output Control of right arm motor hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/motion_target/pose_ee_arm_left header Standard Header
pose.position.x Shift in x-direction
pose.position.y Shift in y-direction
pose.position.z Shift in z-direction
pose.orientation.x Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.y Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.z Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.w Orientation quaternion
- Refer to HDAS msg

Torso Speed Control

Torso Speed Control is a ROS package for controlling torso movement to the target floating base frame. It can be launched using the following command:

source ~/work/galaxea/install/setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman torso_speed_control_hard.launch
## Note, this command cannot be executed simultaneously with joint_tracker.
## If you want to use joint tracker simultaneously, use joint_tracker_disable_torso instead. 
## Detail information can be found at joint Control Page


This node represents the velocity control of torso_link3 relative to base_link, with its direction aligned with the base_link frame.

  • v_x represents the velocity in the x-direction of the torso frame relative to base_link (maximum speed is 0.2 m/s). A positive value indicates forward movement based on base_link, while a negative value indicates backward movement.
  • v_z represents the velocity in the z-direction of the torso frame relative to base_link (maximum speed is 0.2 m/s). A positive value suggests upward movement based on base_link, while a negative value indicates downward movement.

The interface is shown as follows.

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/motion_target/target_joint_state_torso Input Target Joint position of each joint of torso Sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_target/target_speed_torso Input Target speed of floating base frame Geometry_msgs::Twist::ConstPtr
/hdas/feedback_torso Input Feedback of torso joint Sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_control/control_torso Output Control of torso motor hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/motion_target/target_speed_torso target_speed.v_x = msg->linear.x; Linear velocity in the x direction of the torso in Cartesian space
target_speed.v_z = msg->linear.z; Linear velocity in the z direction of the torso in Cartesian space
/hdas/feedback_torso - Refer to HDAS msg

Chassis Control

R1 Chassis Control is the node that controls the R1 chassis using vector control, allowing you to send speed commands in three directions simultaneously: x, y, and w. It can be launched using a command.

roslaunch mobiman r1_chassis_control.launch

This launch file will bring up two nodes: chassis_control_node and r1_control_manager. The chassis_control_node is responsible for R1 chassis speed control.

The interface is shown below:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/motion_target/target_speed_chassis Input Issue the target speed of chassis, consisting of three directions, x, y and w geometry_msgs::Twist
/motion_target/chassis_acc_limit Input Issuing the chassis control acceleration limit, the max value for x, y, w is 2.5, 1.0, 1.0. geometry_msgs::Twist
/motion_target/brake_mode Input Issuing whether the chassis is entering brake mode. If in brake mode, when speed is 0, the chassis will lock itself by turning the wheel to a certain degree. std_msgs::Bool
/hdas/feedback_chassis Input R1 chassis control subscribes to this topic and controls the chassis the target speed sensor_msgs::JointState
/motion_control/control_chassis Output R1 chassis control publishes this topic to control the motor hdas_msg::motor_control

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
/motion_target/target_speed_chassis header Standard ROS header
linear control of linear speed
.x linear_speed of x, range (-1.5 to 1.5) m/s
.y linear_speed of y, range (-1.5 to 1.5) m/s
angular control of yaw rate
.z control of angular speed, range (-3 to 3) rad/s
/motion_target/chassis_acc_limit header Standard ROS header
linear Acc limit of linear speed
.x Acc limit of x, range (-2.5 to 2.5) m/s²
.y Acc limit of y, range (-1.0 to 1.0) m/s²
angular control of yaw rate
.z Acc limit of angular speed, range (-3 to 3) rad/s²
/motion_target/brake_mode data Bool, True for entering brake mode; False for quitting brake mode.
/hdas/feedback_chassis - Refer to HDAS msg Description
/motion_control/control_chassis - Refer to HDAS msg Description

Pose Estimation

In the chassis control launch file, a node called eepose_pub_node will also be launched. This node receives joint angle feedback from HDAS and calculates the feedback corresponding to three coordinate systems. The eepose_pub_node defines three coordinate frames: the Base Link Frame (left), the Floating Base Frame (middle), and the End-Effector Pose Frame (right).


The interface is shown below:

Topic Name I/O Description Message Type
/motion_control/pose_ee_arm_left Output Transform from floating base to left end-effector pose Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
/motion_control/pose_ee_arm_right Output Transform from floating base to right end-effector pose Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
/motion_control/pose_floating_base Output Transform from base-link to floating base Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
/hdas/feedback_arm_right Input Feedback of left arm motor Sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_arm_left Input Feedback of left arm motor Sensor_msgs::JointState
/hdas/feedback_torso Input Feedback of torso motor Sensor_msgs::JointState

The specific fields and their detailed descriptions for the above topic are shown in the table below:

Topic Name Field Description
position This is the translation information in X, Y, Z position
pose.position.x Shift in the X direction
pose.position.y Shift in the Y direction
pose.position.z Shift in the Z direction
orientation This is orientation information
pose.orientation.x Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.y Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.z Orientation quaternion
pose.orientation.w Orientation quaternion