
Galaxea A1 Software Guide

本教程将指导您如何开发和操作Galaxea A1。


  1. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  2. ROS Noetic




  1. 首次使用时,在确认电源和USB连接后,运行以下命令修改串口文件的读写权限:
    sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0
  2. 确认修改后,初始化SDK:

    cd A1_SDK/install
    source setup.bash
    roslaunch signal_arm single_arm_node.launch

  3. Demo演示 点击此处获取A1 Demo脚本。

cd A1_SDK/install
source setup.bash
roslaunch mobiman eeTrackerdemo.launch
rostopic pub /a1_ee_target geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "{
header: {
seq: 0,
stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0},
frame_id: 'world'
pose: {
position: {x: 0.08, y: 0.0, z: 0.5},
orientation: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5, w: 0.5}




话题名称 描述 消息类型
/joint_states_host 机械臂关节状态反馈 sensor_msgs/JointState
/arm_status_host 机械臂电机状态反馈 signal_arm/arm_status
/arm_joint_command_host 机械臂控制接口 signal_arm/arm_control
/gripper_force_control_host 夹爪力控制接口 signal_arm/gripper_joint_command
/gripper_position_control_host 夹爪位置控制接口 signal_arm/gripper_position_control
/gripper_stroke_host 夹爪行程反馈接口 sensor_msgs/JointState
话题名称 字段 描述 数据类型 单位 备注
/joint_states_host header 标准消息头 - - -
name 关节名称 string[] - -
position 关节位置 float64[] rad -
velocity 关节速度 float64[] rad/s -
effort 关节力矩 float64[] Nm -
/arm_status_host header 标准消息头 - - -
data.name 关节名称 string[] - -
data.motor_errors.error_code 关节错误码 float32[] - -
data.motor_errors.error_description 关节错误描述 float32[] °C -
/arm_joint_command_host header 标准消息头 - - -
p_des 目标关节位置 float32[] rad -
v_des 目标关节速度 float32[] rad/s -
t_ff 目标关节力矩 float32[] Nm -
kp 目标关节kp float32[] - -
kd 目标关节kd float32[] - -
mode 控制模式 uint8 - 默认0, MIT控制
/gripper_force_control_host header 标准消息头 - - -
gripper_force 夹持力 float32 N -
/gripper_position_control_host header 标准消息头 - - -
gripper_stroke 目标行程 float32 mm -
/gripper_stroke_host header 标准消息头 - - -
name 夹爪名称 string[] - -
position 夹爪行程 float64[] mm -
velocity 夹爪速度 float64[] - -
effort 夹爪力矩 float64[] - -


  1. 夹爪力控制接口
    # 控制夹爪到指定的力
    # 正gripper_force闭合夹爪;负gripper_force打开它
    rostopic pub /gripper_force_control_host signal_arm/gripper_joint_command "header:
      seq: 0
        secs: 0
        nsecs: 0
      frame_id: ''
    gripper_force: 10.0"
  2. 夹爪位置控制接口
    #  控制夹爪到指定位置,60为打开,0为闭合
    rostopic pub /gripper_position_control_host signal_arm/gripper_position_control "header:
      seq: 0
        secs: 0
        nsecs: 0
      frame_id: ''
    gripper_stroke: 40.0"



DTC 状态
0 禁用
1 禁用
2 电机断开
3 位置跳跃
4 持续高电流
5 扭矩过大
6 ECU -> MCU 超时
7 超出位置限制
8 超出速度限制
9 扭矩限制超出
10 过压
11 低压
12 过电流
13 MOS 过温
14 电机绕组过温
15 通信丢失
16 过载
17 串行连接断开(无设备文件)
18 设备文件已连接,无消息
19 串行读写失败
20 反馈接收溢出


Galaxea A1 提供关节和末端执行器运动控制接口,通过ROS框架实现高效控制。在执行末端执行器或关节运动之前,激活signal_arm接口。主要功能:

  • 末端执行器姿态运动:允许通过发布目标姿态消息来控制Galaxea A1的末端执行器的位置和方向。该功能适用于需要精确定位的应用。

  • 末端执行器轨迹运动:通过发布一系列姿态消息,实现Galaxea A1末端执行器沿指定轨迹的运动。该功能适用于复杂的路径规划和执行。

  • 关节角度运动:提供一个关节级别的控制接口,可为每个关节设置目标位置,实现协调的整个手臂运动。


  1. 启动末端执行器姿态运动脚本。启动RViz可视化,默认关节位置设置为零。

    cd A1_SDK/install
    source setup.bash
    roslaunch mobiman eeTrackerdemo.launch

  2. 在文件eeTrackerdemo.launch中,执行以下命令:

    <param name="joint_states_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the topic /joint_states  represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment.
    <param name="arm_joint_command_topic" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> # the topic /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.

  3. /a1_ee_target话题上发布消息以控制末端执行器运动。此操作是非阻塞的,允许连续发布消息,实现末端执行器的无缝运动。但是,目标端点不要离末端执行器的当前位置太远,以避免过度拉伸机械结构或碰撞风险。

    rostopic pub /a1_ee_target geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "{
    header: {
    seq: 0,
    stamp: {secs: 0, nsecs: 0},
    frame_id: 'world'
    pose: {
    position: {x: 0.08, y: 0.0, z: 0.5},
    orientation: {x: 0.5, y: 0.5, z: 0.5, w: 0.5}
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import rospy
    from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
    def publish_pose():
        rospy.init_node('pose_stamped_publisher', anonymous=True)
        pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/a1_ee_target', PoseStamped, queue_size=10)
        # Create PoseStamped message
        pose_msg = PoseStamped()
        pose_msg.header.seq = 0
        pose_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        pose_msg.header.frame_id = 'world'
        pose_msg.pose.position.x = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.position.y = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.position.z = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = 0.
        pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = 0.
        # Wait for subscribers to connect
        # Publish message
        rospy.loginfo("Published PoseStamped message to /a1_ee_target")
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

  4. 使用示例:


  1. 启动末端执行器轨迹运动脚本。启动RViz可视化,默认关节位置设置为零。

    cd A1_SDK/install
    source setup.bash
    roslaunch mobiman eeTrajTrackerdemo.launch

  2. 在文件eeTrajTrackerdemo.launch中,执行以下命令:

    <param name="joint_states_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the /joint_states topic represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment.
    <param name="joint_command" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> #the /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.

  3. /arm_target_trajectory话题上发布消息,为末端执行器运动指定轨迹。此操作是非阻塞的,允许连续发布。确保轨迹不会显著偏离当前末端执行器的位置。建议在发送下一个轨迹之前等待当前轨迹完成,以避免跟踪所需路径时不准确。

    #include <ros/ros.h>
    #include <geometry_msgs/PoseArray.h>
    geometry_msgs::Pose createPose(double x, double y, double z, double w, double ox, double oy, double oz) {
        geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
        pose.position.x = x;
        pose.position.y = y;
        pose.position.z = z;
        pose.orientation.w = w;
        pose.orientation.x = ox;
        pose.orientation.y = oy;
        pose.orientation.z = oz;
        return pose;
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        ros::init(argc, argv, "pose_array_publisher");
        ros::NodeHandle nh;
        ros::Publisher pose_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseArray>("/arm_target_trajectory", 10);
        // Wait for subscribers to connect
        ros::Rate wait_rate(10);
        while (pose_pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) {
        geometry_msgs::PoseArray poseArrayMsg;
        poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
        poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
        poseArrayMsg.poses.push_back(createPose(0.08, 0.0, 0.54, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
        ROS_INFO("Published PoseArray with 3 poses");
        return 0;

  4. 演示示例:

话题名称 描述 消息类型
/a1_ee_target 臂末端关节的目标姿态 Geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
话题名称 字段 描述
/a1_ee_target header 标准消息头
pose.position.x x轴偏移
pose.position.y y轴偏移
pose.position.z z轴偏移
pose.orientation.x 旋转四元数
pose.orientation.y 旋转四元数
pose.orientation.z 旋转四元数
pose.orientation.w 旋转四元数


  1. 启动关节角度运动脚本。启动RViz可视化,默认关节位置设置为零。

    cd A1_SDK/install
    source setup.bash
    roslaunch mobiman jointTrackerdemo.launch

  2. 在文件jointTrackerdemo.launch中,执行以下命令:

    <param name="joint_states_sub_topic" value="/joint_states" /> # the /joint_states topic represents the channel for acquiring simulated values, specifically the states of the robot's joints, within a simulation environment.
    <param name="joint_command" value="/arm_joint_command_host" /> #the /arm_joint_command_host topic represents the channel for issuing commands to the motors.

  3. /arm_joint_target_position话题上发布关节运动的消息。此操作是非阻塞的,允许连续发布,使关节运动不间断。

    import rospy
    from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
    def publish_joint_state():
        rospy.init_node('joint_state_publisher', anonymous=True)
        pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_joint_target_position', JointState, queue_size=10)
        rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10 Hz
        joint_state = JointState()
        joint_state.header.seq = 0
        joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        joint_state.header.frame_id = 'world'
        joint_state.name = ['joint1', 'joint2', 'joint3', 'joint4', 'joint5', 'joint6']
        joint_state.velocity = []
        joint_state.effort = []
        # Initialize positions to zeros
        joint_state.position = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        steps = 100 # Number of steps
       #to reach the target position
       target_position = [0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
       step_increment = [(target - current) / steps for target, current in zip(target_position, joint_state.position)]
       for step in range(steps):
           joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() # Update the timestamp
           joint_state.position = [current + increment for current, increment in zip(joint_state.position, step_increment)]
       rospy.loginfo("Published JointState message to /arm_joint_target_position")
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        except rospy.ROSInterruptException:


/joint_move是一个用于Galaxea A1单关节控制的ROS包。可指定每个关节从当前位置移动到目标位置,可配置最大速度和加速度。如果参数没有指定,默认值将被使用。默认最大速度是20 rad/s,默认最大加速度是20 rad/s²。运动接口的话题名称和字段如下表详细说明。

话题名称 描述 消息类型
/arm_joint_target_position 每个关节的目标位置 Sensor_msgs/JointState
话题名称 字段 描述
/arm_joint_target_position header 标准消息头
name 每个关节的名称
position 每个关节的目标位置
velocity 每个关节的最大速度